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The snow must go on!

The Beast from the East is 'snow joke'. It has brought us freezing temperatures, icy winds and snow and it is set to continue. Everything is coming to a halt - many transport links and roads have practically been shut off, communications have gone a bit hay-wire and now hundreds of schools are being closed. Yes, it is cold and slippery out there, but come on...isn't now as good a time as any to get out there and let the kids enjoy the snow while it's here. Us Londoners don't get a decent snowfall very often so grab this opportunity, layer and wrap the kids up warm, stick some wellies on them and they're good to go. Just make sure that you've stocked up on hot chocolate for when they get back in and need defrosting. I know that the cold and snow are not really our friends, but can't we just get on for one day???

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