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I have to admit - when someone first said to me "do you fancy going geocaching?" the first thing I said was "say what now?". My lovely friend introduced me to the world of Geocaching, got me downloading a free app and got us interested in finding more and more places to go 'treasure hunting' in our spare time! For those of you who, like me, need just a little clue as to what it involves read on... So, first you find yourself an area where there are 'caches' (containers with little 'treasures') to be found. For this step, you will most probably need to have downloaded a free app - my app of choosing is the aptly named Geocaching®. Once you have decided on where you want to start your hunt, you'll need to pack a few small non-perishable, fun and interesting items that you don't mind trading (we had a small pack of novelty erasers), a pen and your phone with GPS on it. Once you get to your destination, you'll need your GPS enabled app again to help you by way of co-ordinates, map-reading and compass directions, to navigate to the hidden cache. When you have pinpointed the area that the cache is hidden, you may need to hunt around a little as often these are small tubs or containers hidden in nooks of trees etc. General geocaching etiquette dictates that you sign and date the little logbook inside the box to show that you have found it. Then select an item from the box to take and trade it with an item you brought with you. Log your find on the app so that others know that you have found it and add to your 'finds' record. Return the box to it's secret hiding place and off you go to find your next cache. This is a great way to busy (and educate) the kids while you're outdoors and a great reason to get outdoors in the first place. What's more, you can tick off no. 49 of your National Trust 50 things list!

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