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FREE! Beautiful and serene Virginia Water

Virginia Water makes up the southern part of Windsor Great Park and is as beautiful and serene today as it was 30 odd years ago when I was younger and used to visit with my family. Virginia Water Lake dominates the landscape but it is not the only remarkable feature in the area. When I was younger, I used to call this park the 'Totem Pole' park...this being due to the 100-foot totem pole that has stood proudly in the park since the 1950's having been carved by an Indian Chief in Canada from a single 600-year-old cedar tree and gifted to The Queen. Also not to miss are the pretty Valley Gardens, the Roman Ruins (originally shipped over from Tripoli/Libya) and a cascade waterfall. There is a cafe and the odd refreshment van dotted around but we packed a picnic (of course) to keep us fuelled. While the park is free to enter on foot, parking is charged at £2.00 per hour. You may be able to find space to park outside the designated car park but spaces are limited. We spent hours today strolling around while the kids ran around, skimmed stones into the lake, watched the ducks and swans swim along the lake, collected interesting stones, went in search of a good 'walking stick', played hide and seek amongst the trees and generally let them use their imaginations and engage in the nature around them to keep them entertained...who needs TV and tablets!

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