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The very opulent Waddesdon Manor

As you may know (from a previous post), me and the kids became National Trust members for pretty much the price of a couple of 2 Mc D' Happy Meals a month. So, to make the most of it, we packed a picnic and ventured off down the M40 today to Waddesdon Manor. I mean... WOW! This has to be one of the most lavish, grand and ostentatious houses I've ever seen and that when you hear that it was originally created just to entertain guests at the weekend - it makes it even more so!!! Who does that? Apparently the Rothschilds do...that's who. Anyway, its a beautiful property with beautiful grounds and great opportunities to tick off some of the '50 things'. We saved a packed with our NT membership. It should have cost us £40 today to visit the whole property but we have a one adult and two children membership for just £5.75 a month...bargain! There are some great discount deals out there's one of them but get googling to find the best one for you., Things to do in London with Kids, Outside M25, Waddesdon Manor, National Trust

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