CHEAP! Leith Hill Place & Tower
Leaving the hustle and bustle of the city behind us for the day. A lovely day for a hike up a hill! Good exercise for the kids (and grown ups) and a well deserved picnic with beautiful sweeping views over the Surrey countryside once up the hill. After a short pit-stop we climbed some more...up the stairs of the tower and reached the second highest point in South East England! It was a clear enough day to spot some of London's skyscrapers (the Shard, Cheesegrater and Walkie Talkie buildings) and Wembley's arch. Having walked back down to Leith Hill Place we walked around the home once owned by the Wedgewood family before taking a stroll through the rhododendron wood. Parking and entrance into the Tower and Leith Hill Place are of course free for NT members. Otherwise, parking is £3.50; Tower - Adult £2, Child £1 and House Adult £5, Child £2.50. So once again...our NT membership at £5.75 a month is still working out a bargain!