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FREE! Lumiere Festival

The biggest light festival in the UK hits London for 4 days (14th-17th Jan 2016). It is positively freezing outside so wrap up warm, lots of layers (think Joey in Friends - where he wear all of Chandler's clothes at once) and get on out there. Before you head to the streets to see the amazing light installations, plan ahead so that you have a good idea of what you want to see and what route you're going to take. You can download a map from their website here or else there are plenty of street volunteers with maps too. We did a full circle parking off Park Lane and starting in Mayfair, down Oxford Street, down and around Regent Street, Carnaby Street, Piccadilly, Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square, the Strand and St James Square. We didn't get around to see it all so leave plenty of time or spread it over a couple of nights. My favourites were the 'Keyframe' moving LED matchstick men routine on Regent Street and the enchanting 'Les Luminéoles' brightly coloured flying fish. Go on...brave the cold...and enjoy!

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