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FREE! Sky Garden - Best FREE view over London (in my opinion)

Welcome to the Sky Garden! Situated on the 37th-39th floors of 20 Fenchurch Street (fondly nicknamed by Londoners as the Walkie Talkie building), this is London's newest 'public park'. Ok, so normally you wouldn't have to book to get into most (if not all) other public parks, but honestly, it is worth it. Following a passport control type operation in the entrance lobby where they check your tickets and bags, you are taken to the top floors of the building where the door to the lift open onto three-storey high windows overlooking our beautiful City. Whilst the landscaped gardens are much to be admired, the view is definitely what people will come here for, including the view from the outdoor terrace where you get a wonderful view of the River and the Shard in particular. Your tickets allow you an hour slot however in reality, you can stay up there for as long as you like, taking as many pictures as you like without fear of being ushered out. However, for that reason, I would recommend getting earlier tickets or on less busy days if possible as I believe they operate a one in-one out system so otherwise you may have to wait a while. Food and drink are quite pricey so best to grab something before or after your visit. But nevertheless - this has got to be one of the best FREE viewpoints in London.

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