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Follow my blog to find inspiration for free and cheap things to do in London with kids. Scroll through the blog pages, check out the events listings pages, search through the tags on the right or click on the grey category buttons in any blog post to find more of the same...enjoy!

Hello..., Things to do in London with Kids, Free Cheap Things to do, Blog

This is me and my two little rays of sunshine and this is my blog all about our adventures in and around our home town, London!  We love getting out and about but...on a budget!  I'm always on the hunt for free, cheap or discounted fun activities to keep the kids (and me) entertained while schools out so I hope I can inspire others to keep their little ones busy without breaking the bank too!

Love Charmain xx

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What's On???

We love exploring the limits of our beautiful city and we still have plenty to see and do. I have tried to collate as much info on things to do around town but being a West London mummy, I tend to get to know more about events here than other areas.  But anyhoo, have a look at my calendar and annual events to see what's listed and have fun!

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