CHEAP! Magical Magic Garden at Hampton Court
I couldn't recommend this place more. The kids had a truly magical time here. Inspired by the stories and legend of Hampton Court...
FREE! Petersham Gate Playground - Richmond Park
Us Londoners are a lucky bunch aren't we? Not only do we have a vibrant cosmopolitan and lively city steeped with history and overflowing...
Historical Hampton Court Palace
This morning when we woke and looked outside, it was snowing. Still, that didn't stop us getting out. Several layers later and we were...
DISCOUNT ALERT! Half price entry into Hampton Court Palace
Hampton Court Palace - the royal residence of King Henry VIII - is one of the most impressive royal palaces around. Because of this, the...
FREE or CHEAP! Thumbs Up It's Thursday!
So every Thursday of a school holiday, Kingston brings you Thumbs Up Its Thursday! There is always plenty going on at the Bentall...
Terrible Tudors at Hampton Court Palace
I don't know about you guys but I love watching Horrible Histories just as much as the kids so I jumped at the chance of going to see...
FREE! Thumbs Up It's Thursday
Kingston is so good for putting on free kids activities during their Thumbs Up It's Thursday events. They are on every Thursday during...
CHEAP! Ham House Christmas Trail
As the kids are now getting a little older, I wanted to find a local 'visit to Santa' with a little something extra so today, we came...
FREE or CHEAP! Thumbs Up It's Thursday
A fabulous free fun day out for the kids today. Today the girls each designed a tote bag, painted their own Halloween mask, made a...
FREE! Bushy Park
'All you need is your imagination'...couldn't have been a more apt quote for our outing today. So making the most of the unusual autumn...